School History

Our History

BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN was founded in 1938 by Kulapati Dr. K.M.Munshi, a farsighted visionary and practical idealist, with the blessings of Gandhiji and inspired by several stalwarts of the freedom movement such as Shri C.Rajagopalachari, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabbai Patel, Rajaji, Dr.Rajendra Prasa d and Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, who were also the founder members. It was their belief that freedom can be sustained by faith and pride in our ancient culture as cultures alien to Indian identity had made inroads jeopardising its uniqueness and continuity. It was in this context, that the need for a cultural renaissance was deeply felt.

Munshiji said, “We, the Bhavan’s family, whether it is the smaller one or the larger one, must make every effort in restoring an awareness of these values-Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram-Truth, Love and Beauty-in personal and collective life.” The Bhavan, in the words of Dr. Radhakrishnan, is the greatest monument of Munshi’s life.

The school is well equipped with all the modern facilities and a highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff.

Till his death in 1971 he devoted all his energies to the building up of the Bhavan as the premier cultural organization of the country.

For him, it was as an adventure in faith – faith in India’s past, present & future. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan is today an all India, intellectual ,cultural and educational movement dedicated to the twin task of interpreting the age old yet ageless message of our varied and vibrant culture with the changing needs of the present day world.

Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan conducts classes from Kindergarten to Post-Graduate research and imparts education in subjects ranging from Carnatic Music to Engineering, from Sanskrit to Business Management and from Yoga to Journalism. This is being accomplished through its centres spread all over the country and abroad, through cultural and educational programmes it conducts from time to time and above all through personal discussions and dialogue.

Bhavan has 119 Kendras spread over India and numerous educational institutions are flourishing under the aegis of these kendras. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has 18 Kendras in the state of Kerala. Apart from the 119 Kendras in India, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has 7 overseas centres also in London (U.K.), New York (U.S.A), Mexico City (Mexico), Lisbon (Portugal), Durban (South Africa), Sydney (Australia) and Singapore, Kuwait, Doha, Abudabi.



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