Rules And Regulations

Rules & Regulations

  Home work shall be done and submitted regularly.

  Indifference towards any subject, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any act which affects the discipline or tone of the school will be viewed seriously.
A) Late coming & Irregular attendance
B) Any form of misbehaviour:
D) Bullying –
E) Wrong uniform
F) Using foul language
G) Not bringing books:
H) Home work not done
I) Disrespect towards teachers & members of the staff
J) Ignoring the diary reminders of the teacher.

  Cleanliness in person and clothes is expected from every child. Students coming to school with untidy dress, hair, etc. will be refused admittance.

  No child suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will be allowed to attend school.

  Habitual negligence in school work, dishonesty or other acts of misconduct will involve severe disciplinary action which in extreme cases will be expulsion.

  Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. All Belongings should be neatly marked and labelled.

  Any damage done to school property or to that of other students will have to be made good.

  The school premises should be kept neat and tidy.

  Pupils from one class are not allowed to be in other class rooms during intervals.

  Every student must bring the school diary to the class daily. It should not be used as a rough book. Pages therein should not be torn.

  Costly ornaments should not be worn. Avoid perfumes, flowers, haircolouring, long nails etc. The school does not undertake any responsibility in case the gold ornaments are lost. Anklets, if used should not be exposed. . .. . Low waist pants should not be used.

  Bringing play materials, magazines & books other than the prescribed ones to the class is punishable.

  It is preferable to donate books to library instead of distributing sweets.

  Punctuality must be cultivated by all students. Avoid late coming and reach the school before 8.40am

  Official language of the school is English. Students are expected to use the language in the Campus



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